Beginner Cookiers - Start Here!
I get so many beginner cookiers asking me how do I do THAT?
So I wanted to put down some of my favourite resources and websites (in no particular order) that I loved when I started and still love today.
There is a WEALTH of information out there and these blogs are an amazing place to learn the basics of cookie decorating and build your skills.
Looking to start Airbrushing & Stencilling Cookies? We have a pack for you!
Find our Pro-Starter Packs HERE
Sweet Sugarbelle
Run by Callye Alvarado this is the place a lot of cookiers stumbled upon and started our cookie journey, mine included! Sweet Sugarbelle is one of the best places to start! With loads of information, tutorials, step by step instructions and recipes it has heaps of information. She also has her own line of cookie decorating supplies which you can find on Amazon.
For all Sweet Sugarbelle's beginners basics start HERE
Step By Step How to Clean your Airbrush HERE
Run by Georganne Bell, author of The Cookie Companion, this blog is wealth of information for the new cookie decorator. Georganne always has a funny story and insightful, helpful blog posts that will have you reading long into the night! She often includes a video with each post as well, which really helps if you are a visual learner.
For all of Georganne's quick start cookie decorating tips start HERE
To see Georganne using our stencils see HERE
Run by Amber Schreibman, author of Cookie Art, this blog is full of exactly that, stunning cookie art. Amber has a an elegant style that is all her own and shares it on her blog and her youtube channel that has over ONE MILLION followers.
For Ambers Royal Icing Basics start HERE
Hani runs an amazing youtube channel called - Haniela's. She does a new video each Monday and Thursday and her back catalogue is just amazing! So many fun designs and inspiration. She does amazing GingerBread houses as well, they are not just for Christmas!
See Hani using our stencils HERE
Montreal Confections
Marlyn runs Montreal Confections youtube channel and has an amazing amount of tutorials and fun projects for every cookie decorator. Marlyn popularised the Paint your Own cookie decorating technique and has loads of other genius idea's for cookie decorating.
See Marlyn youtube channel HERE
Bake At 350
Run by Bridget Edwards the author of Decorating Cookies and Decorating Cookies PARTY this blog has wonderful cookie decorating tutorials and much more! Bridget also has recipes for loads of other sweet treats!
See Bridgets blog HERE
Bearfoot Baker
Run by Lisa Snyder this blog is full of fun and easy tutorials for the beginner and more advanced cookier alike. Lisa also has a whole section on tips and basics, with even an airbrushing section that is great for helping you with airbrushing stencils!
Find Lisa's Airbrushing Tips HERE
This blog is run by Marian and if you want PrEtTy cookies this is the place to study! Marian does gorgeous work as well as having some great tutorials for beginners. I use her recipe for Royal Icing recipe and have done so for over 5 years, I really LOVE it!
See Marians Cookie Decorating Basics HERE
This is just a few of my favourite places, I hope it helps you on your cookie decorating journey!
Also we will have posts on this blog every now and again on how to use our stencils - and MORE!

The new Princess Stencils!!
The girl! The castle! The wands!
The PERFECT little girl Birthday Party!
The PERFECT Babygirl shower cookie!
The PERFECT ‘I’m going to Disneyland’ themed set!
*Also these stencils are the perfect weight and color! Yes color!
They are off white so a darker paper can sit behind, so storage is easy to see for selection!

I LOVE all of Stencibelle’s stencils! I already have some but I would love to own the script writing stencil!

Great resources and teachers. These resources have taught me and are still teaching me how to decorate cookies. Thank you for everything you do.

The first stencil I’d get would be either the kate stripe or the plaid set! Looking to start using more stencils in my cookie game!! Congrats’ 🎉

Great resources!

What a great resource!!

I am not a beginner but I definitely think this is a GREAT resource for the novice as well as the experienced. So many of these great people helped me when I first started and continue to give me great ideas!

Thanks for the information. I knew about most of these cookiers. I would like to belong to few Cookier